Friday, 4 November 2011

From an Ugly Duckling into a Swan

I have known her both personally and professionally for quite a long while. For half a half a century, to be precise. In fact, if my calculating skills serve me right, this is the person the life of whose I am more or less familiar with for at least 24 years 11 months 8 days and 12 hours, or so.

Unfortunately, I do not remember the day we met clearly enough. I must have been way too busy trying to find the way out of my mother's "inner world" which was of great value and significance to me to remember such trifles as the first "Hello". Therefore I can hardly be able to start this narrative description with some touching memories you might have expected from me.

Yet I do remember watching this ugly duckling growing up, so that finally to magically turn into a little white swan, or a goose (Why, I do consider wild geese fairly appetising-looking, that's all).

Oh, what a clumsy child she used to be with that round-shouldered figure of hers! But how curious, gregarious and unassuming has she always been!

She has never been the kind of girl obsessed by silly disires or whims to keep up with the fashion for pink glasses! Neither was she extremely attractive with those two unneatly done plaits of hers, nor with the ponytails framing her pale face. They made her mouth look frighteningly wide and her nose seem much more aquiline than it really was.

Now she's changed. Not that much though. But it's not her tantalising smile or mesmerising voice that's altered. No.

And it's neither her modesty or generousity, nor her sincerity or ambition.

It's her attitude to life, to pride and prejudice, her confidence and self-esteem that have made her a stronger personality. It's her will for professional development and self-improvement. Her desire to help the others and her wish to make people smile.

That's how's been turning into a Swan.

When she loves, she indulges in her feelings. When she studies, she does it with all her diligence. When she has fun, she infects every other person with a cheerful laughter.

She's not come through any plastic surgery to gain self-respect.

She remains being a vertically-challenged self-ironic perfectionist who now teaches English, runs her blog and dreams of an exceptionally loving family with at least three kids and a Sphynx cat that can clean its toilet.

What is new in her is her belief that one can never become a Swan untill he or she believes it possible!

Faithfully yours,

the boastful Duckling named Wee

P.S.  This is the short story told in pictures, as if an online book. See it at 


  1. I knew it=)))
    I guessed who is "an ugly duckling" with the narrative description=))

    I think you exaggerate a lil bit...)))
    And I remember the day we met and you smiled out from ear to ear!!!!=)) I liked you the first time we met=) Now I proud of my teacher!

  2. Well, I really used to have some problems with self-esteemation, Milana. Of course I tend to exaggerate a little, but that's to show the difference!
    Thanks for nice grand words about me .)
    I liked you on the spot as well, I should say!

    PS from ear to ear.. hahha.. that's soooo me .))

  3. Enjoyed the fairy-tale post!

  4. Thank you very much indeed, Olga! It's always a pleasure for me to recieve such nice comments from you!

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